Prof. Lior Gepstein graduated his MD studies at the Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion- Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel and conducted his PhD thesis at the same institute. During this period he was involved in the development of a three-dimensional electroanatomical mapping techniques, which became the state-of-the-art method for the treatment of complex cardiac arrhythmias. Currently, he holds the position of Professor of Physiology and Medicine (Cardiology) at the Technion’s Faculty of Medicine and heads the “Sohnis Family Research Laboratory for Cardiac Electrophysiology and Regenerative Medicine”. He also serves as an attending electrophysiologist specialist at the affiliated Rambam Medical Center.
Prof. Gepstein’s research activities focus on the areas of basic and clinical cardiac electrophysiology, stem cell biology, early cardiac tissue development, and establishment of novel gene and cell-based strategies for the treatment of different cardiac disorders. Dr Gepstein’s group was among the pioneers in developing unique cardiomyocyte differentiation strategies from human embryonic stem cells and human induced pluripotent stem cells. More recent studies from his group demonstrated the important implications of these technologies for several basic and translational cardiovascular research fields such as developmental biology and physiology, drug development, disease modeling, personalized medicine, and cell therapy and tissue engineering. Dr. Gepstein was awarded a number of prestigious awards for his work including and the American College of Cardiology Douglas P. Zipes distinguished young scientist award, the European Society of Cardiology outstanding research achievement award, and the Michael Bruno Award from “Yad Hanadiv” foundation.